Are you shocked?!! It's only been ..what.. 8 months since the Wall Family last blogged....:) Well, so is life. LOTS has happened over the past 8 months. LOTS has changed over the past 8 months. I am not here to share all those details today..... but rather this post is to send out a Christmas greeting, basic family updates, and share our thanks to many wonderful family and friends!
Here are some basic family updates:
Keven - Still is a partner in his own company, Wasatch Drywall & Paint. Helping to manage a business keeps him busy but he still manages to be a Sunday School Teacher, devoted Tuesday night basketball player, fun Daddy, and wonderful husband.
Cary - Enjoying wonderful health after recovering from heart surgery last Christmas. Busy being mommy a.k.a. reading teacher, referee, cook, nurse, and playmate. Was called to be the 1st Counselor in the Brighton LDS Girls Camp Presidency. This has definitely kept her busy!!
Hannah - Our social butterfly. Busy taking dance and loving her preschool class. Enrolled in a musical kindergarten class where she has learned the basics of music theory and can play some simple piano. She can write her name and anything else you ask, as long as you can help her spell the words. :) She is also learning how to read and is excited to have a few books she can read on her own. Tall as ever and continues to amaze us with her sweet, sensitive personality.
Spencer - our busy boy! Wow, this kid loves anything that causes a mess - toothpaste, toliet paper, and pouring water all over are just a few favorites. He also has an obession with car keys and vacuum cleaners. Random, we know. He knows his whole alphabet and loves to point out letters off the billboards we see around town. Everyone continually tells us that Spencer looks like a little man... and we must agree. How we love our little man!
Early in April this year we had the opportunity to sell our home. Both Keven and I had felt impressed to sell it and after exploring that option we had a buyer a few weeks later. So we are relocating.... still looking at where exactly to relocate. We definitely have felt guided as we have searched for homes in the past and continue to feel that as we look now. We don't know exactly where we will end up but believe the Lord is aware of us. We have a few offers in on short sale homes and are hoping to have some answers come February/March. Right now we are living in Holladay and enjoying the fun people we have met.
What a year 2011 has been! At this time last year we were getting home from the Mayo Clinic, moving into a new home, needing LOTS of help to care for our family, etc, etc. Wow. What an experience last Christmas was for our family! Definitely a life changing one. Thank you again for the many of you who gave us assistance during that time. I think we will be forever issuing thanks for the help we were given. A special thanks to those secret folks who delivered an unforgettable Christmas tree to us. We don't know who you are....but your awesome tree is up in our house this year and will be up every year to remind us of the true spirit of giving. A story in the Ensign this month made this statement, "I learned that real charity is a priceless spiritual gift that propels us to act in the Savior's place." We believe that to be true. We also believe that those who are recipients of these acts of charity receive priceless spiritual gifts because their lives are touched forever. We know this from personal experience.
At this Christmas season we find ourselves feeling very grateful for the birth of our Savior and what His life means to us individually. His mighty example is so humbling and touching. We personally testify that He is real and His mercy is available to all. We have felt that mercy and can testify from personal experience that we have seen miracles and wonders brought from His charitable example.
We love you all and wish you a wonderful Holiday Season!
The Wall Family - Keven, Cary, Hannah, and Spencer :)
P.S. Sorry there are no pictures. We had a fun video we tried to upload - a awesome video that Keven made for my, Cary's, one year heart surgery anniversary - but it wouldn't work. So just picture our smiling faces together and hopefully that can satisify any picture needs you might have:)
Our Happy Wall Family
"I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we 'accentuate the positive.' I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good.....Look for the sunlight through the clouds." -President Gordon B. Hinckley
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wow! It's been awhile! What's up with the Wall's? Everything and nothing at the same time. We always seem to be busy, but life has mellowed out over the past few months -- which is great!! We were able to get a second car so I have my own vehicle again! That has been great! It has been awesome to have the freedom to go whenever I would like. I really had missed that. We got a little Nissan X-Terra, perfect for a family of four. I am feeling LOTS better! My energy level is good and I enjoy doing whatever I please! I don't go see my cardiologist again until June. I am fully done with cardiac rehab, have been more over a month. I was let go with flying colors and am enjoying exercising on my own again. I am anxious to get out and do some hiking. I love a good stroll in the outdoors! Life is taking on a more normal routine again. I feel like the past 9 months we have been living in this crazy survival mode....but now we are all feeling great and enjoying life to the fullest! Keven is busy at work. Business seems to be good, even in this down economy. Hannah is enjoying her dance lessons, playing outside, and looking forward to preschool. She asks me about school all the time and doesn't like it that she has to wait until the end of summer. She just turned 4 and informed us on her birthday that she was getting old and needed to get married. ??!! How random! We told her she needed to get A LOT older before she could start thinking about that.:) Spencer is talking so much, saying anything and everything! He has finally started saying yes. He has loved the word no for so long. Yes is a wonderful change. Spencer will turn 2 in May, how the time flies! And me? I am busy being a Mom -- my favorite job. I also have recently acquired a new job with Intermountain Health Care. I used to work for them long ago and decided it was time to go back. With Keven being self-employed we needed health insurance. What a crazy issue health insurance is, but people like me sure cannot go without it. We have a health insurance policy now but it expires at the end of the year. With Obama's new health regulations we cannot be denied insurance but it also means we can only get health insurance for truckload of money and the benefits are not good. Anyway, I have once again been reminded that the Lord loves us and knows what we need. I found a job that was perfect for our family! It also allows me to use my previous health experience and B.S. degree, and most of all -- it is super flexible! So I work part time, about 20 hours a week. I can work whenever I want. I work in the employee health department managing two respiratory programs. I really enjoy what I do and am incredibly grateful to have been able to obtain a job with benefits. I typically work Tuesday and Thursday. Keven is able to work from home those two days so he can be with our kids. It is just worked out perfectly. Yahoo for this wonderful springtime! Warmer weather! New Flowers! Easter! Outdoor activities! I am excited!
Monday, February 14, 2011
My mind continues to be amazed at the medical technology we have. Last week I saw a pediatric cardiologist that specializes in pacemakers. Her and her staff were able to change the settings on my pacemaker and check it out. What is amazing about this is that it is the simpliest thing ever! They put a little mouse over the spot where my pacemaker sits and from there this little mouse is able to communicate with a computer that can then change settings on the pacemaker, print data of when the pacemaker is typically needing to work, and they can also tell how long the pacemaker battery will last. Truly amazing! I am continually amazed and impressed! Anyway, they said my pacemaker is working in a beautiful fashion. It only functions about 20% of the time, which is very low amount for most pacemaker patients. The doctor kept telling me how healthy I looked and how everything is looking wonderful - I love hearing that stuff.:)
It is so nice to have this surgery behind us and now my family and I can move forward in a positive manner. It is so nice to play with my kids and have energy to do all that is needed of me. My doctors tell me I should continue to notice my energy increasing. Love that. I am anxious for spring and summer so I can go back to my other love -- the mountains....... :)
We are planning to get a second car either this weekend or next weekend and I am super excited about that! I haven't had my own car since last August! I feel like getting a second car is the final step towards recovery and freedom!
Keven and I just got called to be the 11 year old scout leaders in our ward. I have never been involved in scouts so I am really excited to learn more about this program. I am really excited to do this with Keven, excited to help the boys, and excited to do campouts! Keven and I had the opportunity to be a Ma & Pa on trek this past summer and we had such an amazing, spiritual experience. We look forward to teaching & helping the youth again.
Hannah and Spencer are growing so big. I recognize that my babies are not babies anymore. Hannah will be four in just a few weeks and Spencer will be two in May. Spencer has started speaking in sentences and Hannah has started talking about going to school. Hannah asked me if she could go to school soon because she can't wait! I hope she keeps that attitude when she gets into school! Hannah is taking dance lessons and absolutely loves them! She is always asking if it is "dance day" yet. I was able to go see her class last week and it was hilarious! Hannah tries so hard to follow the teacher and learn the dances. I was so proud watching her!
Happy Valentines Day! The next time I post I should be the driver of my own car! I feel like I am 16 again waiting for my license :)
It is so nice to have this surgery behind us and now my family and I can move forward in a positive manner. It is so nice to play with my kids and have energy to do all that is needed of me. My doctors tell me I should continue to notice my energy increasing. Love that. I am anxious for spring and summer so I can go back to my other love -- the mountains....... :)
We are planning to get a second car either this weekend or next weekend and I am super excited about that! I haven't had my own car since last August! I feel like getting a second car is the final step towards recovery and freedom!
Keven and I just got called to be the 11 year old scout leaders in our ward. I have never been involved in scouts so I am really excited to learn more about this program. I am really excited to do this with Keven, excited to help the boys, and excited to do campouts! Keven and I had the opportunity to be a Ma & Pa on trek this past summer and we had such an amazing, spiritual experience. We look forward to teaching & helping the youth again.
Hannah and Spencer are growing so big. I recognize that my babies are not babies anymore. Hannah will be four in just a few weeks and Spencer will be two in May. Spencer has started speaking in sentences and Hannah has started talking about going to school. Hannah asked me if she could go to school soon because she can't wait! I hope she keeps that attitude when she gets into school! Hannah is taking dance lessons and absolutely loves them! She is always asking if it is "dance day" yet. I was able to go see her class last week and it was hilarious! Hannah tries so hard to follow the teacher and learn the dances. I was so proud watching her!
Happy Valentines Day! The next time I post I should be the driver of my own car! I feel like I am 16 again waiting for my license :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Yahoo for hitting the 8 week mark!!!! We made it!!!!
Wow! Where do I start? I have loved returning to my normal routine! Which has been my most favorite actvity to return to?!! So many to choose from -- Lifting, driving, cooking, cleaning, taking care of my kids, etc. I would have to say my favorite has been lifting my little man, Spencer. Oh, how I have loved that!!!
This week it has been fun doing our normal days of playing, house chores, running errands, etc. And the best part is: I FEEL GREAT!!! Before I had surgery doing the normal day was hard. I am happy to report that that is NOT the case anymore. (BIG SMILE). I love it! I was telling some friends at church how excited I was to do my own laundry. They were laughing at that but seriously! I have really enjoyed doing my laundry this week. Thanks to the many that have been doing my laundry for me! I can happily do it myself now!
The kids wanted to play in the snow the other day and our walk needed to be I totally shoveled it! It felt wonderful! I can tell my bones and muscle are healed and my body felt good doing the workout. Keven wasn't too happy with me and I think I made my neighbor nervous but truly it felt wonderful!
The staff at my cardiac rehab say I am progressing well and my doc says things look awesome! They are all excited for the renewed energy I feel! I see my new pacemaker dr. next week. I am interested to see her and get my settings checked.
We are looking to get a second car in the next few weeks! I am very excited about that one!
Thanks again to all the many people who have helped us in any way over the past few months! There are SO many to thank for so many things......meals, babysitting, mommysitting, cleaning, rides, treats, flowers, surprise visits, listening ears, kind words, cards, emails, calls, etc. How do we adequetely say thanks for all that we have received??..........I don't know if we can, but please just know how we appreciate everything! We love you all so much!!!
Wow! Where do I start? I have loved returning to my normal routine! Which has been my most favorite actvity to return to?!! So many to choose from -- Lifting, driving, cooking, cleaning, taking care of my kids, etc. I would have to say my favorite has been lifting my little man, Spencer. Oh, how I have loved that!!!
This week it has been fun doing our normal days of playing, house chores, running errands, etc. And the best part is: I FEEL GREAT!!! Before I had surgery doing the normal day was hard. I am happy to report that that is NOT the case anymore. (BIG SMILE). I love it! I was telling some friends at church how excited I was to do my own laundry. They were laughing at that but seriously! I have really enjoyed doing my laundry this week. Thanks to the many that have been doing my laundry for me! I can happily do it myself now!
The kids wanted to play in the snow the other day and our walk needed to be I totally shoveled it! It felt wonderful! I can tell my bones and muscle are healed and my body felt good doing the workout. Keven wasn't too happy with me and I think I made my neighbor nervous but truly it felt wonderful!
The staff at my cardiac rehab say I am progressing well and my doc says things look awesome! They are all excited for the renewed energy I feel! I see my new pacemaker dr. next week. I am interested to see her and get my settings checked.
We are looking to get a second car in the next few weeks! I am very excited about that one!
Thanks again to all the many people who have helped us in any way over the past few months! There are SO many to thank for so many things......meals, babysitting, mommysitting, cleaning, rides, treats, flowers, surprise visits, listening ears, kind words, cards, emails, calls, etc. How do we adequetely say thanks for all that we have received??..........I don't know if we can, but please just know how we appreciate everything! We love you all so much!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Here I am in a quiet house. One child sleeping, the other playing at a friends. These are the only times I get a quick change to blog. I am always amazed at people who seems to be doing everything on so many different internet fronts - facebook, blogs, emails, searching the web, etc. How do they do it all? I surely cannot. But I am completely okay with that.
Things are good here at the Wall home and in heart surgery recovery zone. We are at 7 weeks post surgery. Once we hit the 8 week mark things will really return to more normal. The 8 week mark in next Thursday!!! How exciting! I am looking forward to picking up Spencer and giving him a HUGE love! He will probably get sick of me, but these loves are long overdue!
Cardiac Rehab is going great! I am able to walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill at high grade. They have me doing stretches to help build upper body strength. I can tell they are working because I am able to do much more than before. It feels so great to feel my body healing and gaining energy I lacked before my surgery. My doctors said that I should have more energy and ability than I have had for years -- that is very exciting to me! I love to hike so I am anxious to hit the trails this summer.
Now that I am feeling better I have started thinking about future activites. I like being able to focus on some of these fun things like putting in our yard, watching Hannah's dance class, being able to cook dinner for my family, getting to know our new neighbors, etc. Good times.
Thanks again to all those who continue to offer us support. I have amazing friends who have been such a big help in taking care of my children and helping our house function. My friend Ritz, a.k.a Martha who is a special friend from Brighton Girls Camp days, drove all the way from Springville to spend the day helping me. And she is doing it again next week! And Yeehaw, a.k.a Michelle, has picked up my kids and taken them to play at her house every Friday this month to lend us a hand. My dear friend and neighbor, Becca Sorenson, has taken my kids most Tuesdays and Thursdays. She also a pro at helping me get Spencer into his crib. For Emily, Angie, Elaine, and Allyson! They have all come to spend the day at my house cleaning, doing laundry, etc. I sure love all these ladies dearly and am SO grateful for their sacrifices in helping my family!!
I loved seeing some of my old young women this week who came to visit - thanks for the cookies! And thanks to my wonderful Aunt Cindy who always leaves me the sweetest messages.
I am already looking forward to next week's post when I get say I have hit the 8 week mark! I am anxious to jump back on the bandwagon! :)
Things are good here at the Wall home and in heart surgery recovery zone. We are at 7 weeks post surgery. Once we hit the 8 week mark things will really return to more normal. The 8 week mark in next Thursday!!! How exciting! I am looking forward to picking up Spencer and giving him a HUGE love! He will probably get sick of me, but these loves are long overdue!
Cardiac Rehab is going great! I am able to walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill at high grade. They have me doing stretches to help build upper body strength. I can tell they are working because I am able to do much more than before. It feels so great to feel my body healing and gaining energy I lacked before my surgery. My doctors said that I should have more energy and ability than I have had for years -- that is very exciting to me! I love to hike so I am anxious to hit the trails this summer.
Now that I am feeling better I have started thinking about future activites. I like being able to focus on some of these fun things like putting in our yard, watching Hannah's dance class, being able to cook dinner for my family, getting to know our new neighbors, etc. Good times.
Thanks again to all those who continue to offer us support. I have amazing friends who have been such a big help in taking care of my children and helping our house function. My friend Ritz, a.k.a Martha who is a special friend from Brighton Girls Camp days, drove all the way from Springville to spend the day helping me. And she is doing it again next week! And Yeehaw, a.k.a Michelle, has picked up my kids and taken them to play at her house every Friday this month to lend us a hand. My dear friend and neighbor, Becca Sorenson, has taken my kids most Tuesdays and Thursdays. She also a pro at helping me get Spencer into his crib. For Emily, Angie, Elaine, and Allyson! They have all come to spend the day at my house cleaning, doing laundry, etc. I sure love all these ladies dearly and am SO grateful for their sacrifices in helping my family!!
I loved seeing some of my old young women this week who came to visit - thanks for the cookies! And thanks to my wonderful Aunt Cindy who always leaves me the sweetest messages.
I am already looking forward to next week's post when I get say I have hit the 8 week mark! I am anxious to jump back on the bandwagon! :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Today I started my Cardiac Rehab -- and I loved it! It started by having a little exam and seeing how my general strength and mobility are looking like. They ask LOTS of questions and then assign a workout program designed for your needs. I am happy to report they were pleased with the strength and mobility I have. My blood pressure looked great and my oxygen levels were high. After checking stuff out they decided my workout program would be to start doing general exercise (such as walking on a treadmill) over the next two weeks while we wait for the bones in the upper body to heal. After that we can start doing more aggressive exercise and upper body toning. I was able to walk on the treadmill for twenty minutes today and it felt wonderful!! I will continue going to Cardiac Rehab on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until I am back to my usual self! So exciting!
Having this surgery has been such a humbling experience. I have learned so much over the past few weeks and feel a renewed gratitude for life, living, and enjoying the moment. I have also been incredibly touched by the blessings of service. Our little family has been given so much assistance over the past couple of months, and we have been amazed at the Christ-like kindness from those all around us. THANK YOU:
Russ And Sharon (My incredible in-laws!!) - for letting us live with them for 6 months while we built our home. For helping when I was sick before surgery and for helping us after surgery with rides to the airport, babysitting, mommy-sitting( as Keven says!), etc.
Betty (My Mom) - for coming so many days to help clean, do laundry, babysit, etc. For always bringing my kids some little surprise that makes them feel special.
Jamie (My sister-in-law) - for arranging meals and babysitting all through December. For taking care of Hannah while we were away in Minnesota. For always being willing to run to the store for milk and bread.
Becca & Clint (Our neighbors & dear friends) - for also arranging meals and babysitting in December. For taking our kids twice a week. For always being willing to run over and get Spencer into/out of his crib. For shoveling our driveway and running errands for us. For providing us with meals many times!
Ray (My Bro) - for always being willing to come help at a moments notice. For playing with our kids. For helping shovel our driveway. For bringing us treats.
Whitney (My sister-in-law) - for cooking us yummy dinners. For watching Spencer while we were in Minnesota. For always being willing to help. For letting me borrow the Tales from Avonlea Series!
Lydia (My Sis) - for bringing us dinner. For playing with our kids.
To our Family and Friends who had a special fast for us.
To visitors that always bring words of comfort and love.
To the Canyon Rim Ward who helped give us a special party before we left for the surgery. What a blessing that party was for us and what a blessing all those special ward members are to us!
To the special angels who left us an very unforgettable Christmas tree!
To our new ward, the Country Crossings 5th ward, for bringing us meals for the past few weeks! That has been such a huge blessing for us and we feel so grateful!
For friends whom have helped and will be helping us do so many different things. How we appreciate you!! (Rebecca, Michelle, Allyson, Angie, Elaine, Emily, Martha, etc.)
For prayers! For cards! For emails! For help moving! For help organizing! For phone calls!
THANK YOU!! From the sincerest part of our hearts! THANK YOU!!
Having this surgery has been such a humbling experience. I have learned so much over the past few weeks and feel a renewed gratitude for life, living, and enjoying the moment. I have also been incredibly touched by the blessings of service. Our little family has been given so much assistance over the past couple of months, and we have been amazed at the Christ-like kindness from those all around us. THANK YOU:
Russ And Sharon (My incredible in-laws!!) - for letting us live with them for 6 months while we built our home. For helping when I was sick before surgery and for helping us after surgery with rides to the airport, babysitting, mommy-sitting( as Keven says!), etc.
Betty (My Mom) - for coming so many days to help clean, do laundry, babysit, etc. For always bringing my kids some little surprise that makes them feel special.
Jamie (My sister-in-law) - for arranging meals and babysitting all through December. For taking care of Hannah while we were away in Minnesota. For always being willing to run to the store for milk and bread.
Becca & Clint (Our neighbors & dear friends) - for also arranging meals and babysitting in December. For taking our kids twice a week. For always being willing to run over and get Spencer into/out of his crib. For shoveling our driveway and running errands for us. For providing us with meals many times!
Ray (My Bro) - for always being willing to come help at a moments notice. For playing with our kids. For helping shovel our driveway. For bringing us treats.
Whitney (My sister-in-law) - for cooking us yummy dinners. For watching Spencer while we were in Minnesota. For always being willing to help. For letting me borrow the Tales from Avonlea Series!
Lydia (My Sis) - for bringing us dinner. For playing with our kids.
To our Family and Friends who had a special fast for us.
To visitors that always bring words of comfort and love.
To the Canyon Rim Ward who helped give us a special party before we left for the surgery. What a blessing that party was for us and what a blessing all those special ward members are to us!
To the special angels who left us an very unforgettable Christmas tree!
To our new ward, the Country Crossings 5th ward, for bringing us meals for the past few weeks! That has been such a huge blessing for us and we feel so grateful!
For friends whom have helped and will be helping us do so many different things. How we appreciate you!! (Rebecca, Michelle, Allyson, Angie, Elaine, Emily, Martha, etc.)
For prayers! For cards! For emails! For help moving! For help organizing! For phone calls!
THANK YOU!! From the sincerest part of our hearts! THANK YOU!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy 2011!!
Happy 2011!! I love the New Year! I am all about the opportunity of setting new goals!!
Here are a few pictures. I have been a horrible picture taker lately so here are the simple few we have.

I wanted to document recovery a little bit. Here is a picture of me just before getting released from the hospital and above is a picture taken around Christmas. The corner spot of our sectional has become my domain. Very comfortable and offers the best, comfortable sleeping spot.

Here is the one of the newest Sunbeams!! Hannah was so excited to go to Primary and she had a wonderful time!
Our favorite little man with "bear" in hand. Spencer LOVES this bear, literally. He will not sleep without it. Whenever it is time for a nap or bed we just tell Spencer is get bear and he wil find it, insert it into his mouth, and say "nigh, night".

Me and my little man. I really miss loving my boy. This was one of those rare moments Spencer would hold still long enough so I could snuggle him on my lap, with Daddy helping lift him.
Uncle Ryan and Aunt Whitney gave Spencer this dinosaur hat for Christmas. Super cute!

A little family guitar hero. Hannah does not understand this game at all but she loves to pretend to play with her Daddy.
Here are a few pictures. I have been a horrible picture taker lately so here are the simple few we have.
Here is the one of the newest Sunbeams!! Hannah was so excited to go to Primary and she had a wonderful time!
Me and my little man. I really miss loving my boy. This was one of those rare moments Spencer would hold still long enough so I could snuggle him on my lap, with Daddy helping lift him.
A little family guitar hero. Hannah does not understand this game at all but she loves to pretend to play with her Daddy.
Life has been rolling along rather smoothly. I feel like I am getting better every day. It is SO nice to notice that difference. It is five weeks this week from surgery, only 3 more weeks of recovery mode!! I feel like my energy level is really improving, but now that my energy is returning I notice the discomfort of healing bones. I think I was too tired to notice before. I spend a lot of time using a heating pad to help with my discomfort. I still cannot sleep on my back or left side, but I am very grateful I can sleep on my right side. I feel more comfortable reaching up, which is helpful for trying to get my kids things. Next week I get to start something called Cardiac Rehab. This program is like having a a person trainer for a few weeks. I attend a special gym a few days each week where a learn stretches that will help me gain mobility and upper body strength back. I will also start walking on a treadmill to get strength back in general. I am much looking forward to this. I think it will help my prepare for life as a functioning mommy again. :)
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