Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yahoo for hitting the 8 week mark!!!! We made it!!!!

Wow! Where do I start? I have loved returning to my normal routine! Which has been my most favorite actvity to return to?!! So many to choose from -- Lifting, driving, cooking, cleaning, taking care of my kids, etc. I would have to say my favorite has been lifting my little man, Spencer. Oh, how I have loved that!!!

This week it has been fun doing our normal days of playing, house chores, running errands, etc. And the best part is: I FEEL GREAT!!! Before I had surgery doing the normal day was hard. I am happy to report that that is NOT the case anymore. (BIG SMILE). I love it! I was telling some friends at church how excited I was to do my own laundry. They were laughing at that but seriously! I have really enjoyed doing my laundry this week. Thanks to the many that have been doing my laundry for me! I can happily do it myself now!

The kids wanted to play in the snow the other day and our walk needed to be I totally shoveled it! It felt wonderful! I can tell my bones and muscle are healed and my body felt good doing the workout. Keven wasn't too happy with me and I think I made my neighbor nervous but truly it felt wonderful!

The staff at my cardiac rehab say I am progressing well and my doc says things look awesome! They are all excited for the renewed energy I feel! I see my new pacemaker dr. next week. I am interested to see her and get my settings checked.

We are looking to get a second car in the next few weeks! I am very excited about that one!

Thanks again to all the many people who have helped us in any way over the past few months! There are SO many to thank for so many things......meals, babysitting, mommysitting, cleaning, rides, treats, flowers, surprise visits, listening ears, kind words, cards, emails, calls, etc. How do we adequetely say thanks for all that we have received??..........I don't know if we can, but please just know how we appreciate everything! We love you all so much!!!


Heather said...

Yeah Cary! I am so glad you are recovered, and are better than new! That is great news. I am also glad you have had so many people to help take care of you. I have thought of you often lately and glad all the news is happy!

Diana said...

Hooray! That is absolutely a huge milestone and I am glad to hear that your recovery has gone so well. Just don't overdo it now! It's hard to rely on others but in the end everyone is blessed because of it.

Rachel said...

So glad that you're doing so well! But, please don't overdue it! I wanted to take Spencer sometime this week, but Stockton came down with a very nasty cold. So we'll wait for a while. Keep up the good recovery!

Becky Henson said...

Wahoo! So excited to hear that you're healing well and getting back all your energy. Loved the part of missing doing laundry. :)

Chelsea Lee said...

Hey Cary! I love reading your blog! You are amazing! I'm so happy that you are feeling so good! Your family is so adorable. Spencer looks like such a little hunk! You are such a wonderful Mommy! I'm glad that everything went as well as it did with your heart surgery.
Again you are Amazing!