Monday, March 10, 2008

Important Corrections!!!

Hello...this is Keven Wall. It is important that several key errors are corrected as quickly as possible. Therefore, I step out of my normal role of overseer and sit down at the computer. Here goes.

First of all, although Cary did win the last game of Risk that we played, this singular event, though rare and beautiful in its own right, does not erase innumerable previous defeats (She's never beaten me before, and I doubt it'll happen again)

Cary is looking over my shoulder right now trying to tell me that I'm mistaken. "I don't think so dear..." anyway, since I'm here, I ought to let the world in on the happenings of Keven Wall. Life is not to terrible. In fact, it's pretty good. We are counting down the days until we go on our cruise. I think we are at 61 right now! It's great! We're slowly buying cabana wear and saving pennies for tips. I've been boning up on my Texas Hold'em. Do they play that in Mexico?

Work is good. Not working is better. Today we bought Super Smash Bros Brawl, and it already is pretty awesome. I am excited to wail on my brother's in law next time they come over.

Hannah is adorable. Cary is beautiful. I'm pretty lucky. Don't ask me how or why.

There. I have left you with but a mere sampling of the thoughts in my brain. Now everyone knows why Cary is the only one who edits this ____ blog. I just want to end by giving a shout out to Megan Hilton, only because I know she is always the first to read these blogs. HI MEGAN!


Unknown said...

Looks like NOT. I am the first. Hi Kev. I miss you guys, seems like too long and forever ago. Sorry that you got whooped at Risk. Holla to Cary, kick his but again and again. I just love you guys.

Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

Hey I will take second! Ha ha that made me laugh! That was fun reading a post from Kevan! I did not know you guys are going on a cruise, how fun! Jealous! Kevan you are lucky Hannah is adorable and Cary is beautiful!

Jeff said...

Way to go keven!!! I usually have corrections to make but am usually too lazy to do anything about it; if I do anything it's a comment, never a post. Although, this could be because my last post got me banned from posting.

Jamie said...

Enjoyed the post, bro, but I still believe Cary. I'm sure she still wins every time. :) You are just going to have to get used to it. Sean has the same problem. Maybe you two should make a club. "Men married to Butt-Whippin Wives." Appreciated your time to give your thoughts though. ;)

Jamie said...


Missy said...

Ok, that was funny. Keven should post more often...