Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here is another catch-up post with the latest of our activities!
We spent Labor Day weekend with the Wall Family at Payson Lake.  We had a great time, but have found that camping with kids makes you super dirty!  Hannah loved playing in the dirt, I think that really was the favorite activity for her and all the cousins!  Here is Hannah in the stroller with cousin Madison.  
Cousin Kaden was super nice to share his ball and play with Hannah.
Can you see the dirt???  It seemed the kids just rolled in the dirt!
Cute Madison!
What a super cute family!!
Grandma and Grandpa Wall
This is the parents attempt to get a picture of all the little cousins.  It was pretty funny trying to get them to hold still and look our direction for a simple picture.
Hannah and Lily playing ring around the rosies!
WELCOME TO ELLENIE MAE LESKO!!!!  She was born 5 weeks early, weighing in at 5lbs and 110zs.  Elle is a super trooper, as are her proud family - Sean, Jamie, and Maleia.  What a crazy surprise that has definitely had some ups and downs. But baby Elle is now at home and doing great!
We were able to go to Wheeler Farm with Whitney and the cousins.  I took Hannah and Maleia to see the cows and they were not big fans.  A certain cow kept mooing at them as loud as he could and they both cried.
Maleia was able to play at our house for a few days last week while Mommy was with Baby Elle.  They are such funny playmates.
And here are some family pictures from a bridal shower for my cousin, Kaydrielle.  Here are Mom, Kelly, and Aunt Cindy.
Kaydrielle, the beautiful bride!
Erin, Stacy, Baby Liliana, and Aunt Gloria
And finally, Keven and I recently celebrated our 3rd anniversary!  Crazy, it seems like we have been married forever!  Keven makes fun of me when I say this because he thinks I mean being married to him has been too much work, but that is far from the case!  It just seems so natural to be married and I have a hard time remembering differently!  Yahoo for 3 years and many more great ones to come!
We were able to make a quick getaway trip to St. George for the weekend where we also saw Les Mis at Tuacahn Ampitheater.  It was incredible!!!

Little addition by Keven:  If anybody hasn't seen Les Miserables, (or has seen it somewhere else) it is worth the trip to St. George to see it amidst the red rocks.  Besides, they did an awesome job!  I want to go back...the only bad part about the whole trip was a blocked extra point...


Razzle Dazzle Berry said...

Once again CB- I don't know how you fit it all in!

Nicky Yamamoto said...

Holy Cow Cary!
Hannah is getting so big! I am so glad that your little family is doing so well!
Much love to you!

Unknown said...

Looks like such fun times! Thanks for the update.