Monday, December 15, 2008

A Quick Story

My cute husband will probably kill me for sharing this story but it is too funny to not share!
Keven has a habit of talking in his sleep. He doesn't do it often, just everyone now and then. Well the other night he woke me up in the middle of the night and proceeded to tell me that he needed to find a special place to put the remote control to the T.V. I thought this was such a funny thing that I just laughed at him and turned over to go back to sleep, wishing him well in his pursuit for a special place for the remote control. That was 3 days ago........and since then we cannot find the remote control anywhere! We have looked and looked but to no avail. So apparently he found a VERY special place for the remote! So special, we can't find it!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, I think it is hilarious! And I love to tease Keven! So, if anyone knows any "special" places for remote controls let us know!


Kierstie said...

wow that is so funny maybe he will have a dream where it will be.

Razzle Dazzle Berry said...

Maybe it's in his car....

haha. So glad you are teasing him! He deserves it!!!

Aubrey Doyle said...

Hahaha! That's hilarious!

Loni said...

Love that i check your blog and learn so stinking much! Congrats on the new baby boy and loosing your remote...okay congrats on the new baby! Can we play soon? The holiday's are crazy but hopefully we can fit something in soon! I HEART YOU!!!!

Martha said...

That is a great story and I'm so happy you put it on your blog!

Jamo said...

That will teach you to laugh at someone who is obviously reaching out to you in their sleep!

Missy said...

Maybe you can use hyponosis to find out where it is...

Erin and Corey said...

This is Corey. That is funniest story I have ever heard. I am crying laughing right now.

Becca said...

Lol. Jeff and I laughed pretty hard with this one. I hope you found it in time for the Sugar Bowl!