Thursday, July 3, 2008

Youth Conference, T-Days, and Horseback Riding

Alright, get ready. Here are the latest events of the Wall's and the Canyon Rim Young Women!

I got the opportunity to go to Youth Conference with the Young Women. It was great! I am glad I was able to go, it was super nice to spend time with my girls and get to know them better. We started out by having a devotional at the Draper Temple site by President Hilton. This will be the temple our stake will be attending when it is finished.
Then it was off to Camp Williams! The girls in our car really wanted to stop at the gas station before heading out there so we arrived for some training late. This army guy you see made us get down, do push-ups, and yell "we will never be late again for a camp meeting". While we were doing push-ups he suddenly looked at me and said, "Are you a leader?" To which I replied yes. He then profusely apologized for having me included with the girls. I didn't mind, I thought it was funny!
Yahoo for repelling! I am SO proud of our YW/YM as they were stellar repellers! This is the free fall side.
Here is Bishop Elkins! What an awesome guy! He is in his 70's yet he got right up and repelled as quickly and confidently as the rest of the youth! I was super impressed!
Here is me! The last time I was at Camp Williams on this training equipment I broke my elbow. I am happy to say that this time around all went well!! Go Tamarra! She is the one eating the creamy and let me tell you, I have never seen someone who loves creamies as much as Tamarra! Elaine, on the far right, is our Young Women's President. She is also 8 and1/2 months pregnant! --What a trooper! Elaine and I were the only YW leaders there from our ward. We also got in trouble from the stake leaders because they thought we were too loud at night with our girls. Oh well, right? We sure had a great time!
Lexi and Abbie
David, Jamie, Haley, Kylie, Amelia, and Liz.
Okay, now on to Taylorsville Dayz. Each summer we get the great fun of participating in T-Days because Keven's Father is greatly involved with the city. This is Hannah at the parade. Uncle Sean was throwing water on her and she could not get enough of it!
Maleia and Hannah waving their flags!
We invited our neighbors to come because her husband was out of town. This is her little boy, Caleb. I thought this picture was super cute!
Hannah loves ballons lately. She also loves to dance. Here we are trying to play with balloon and dance.
Horseback riding!! Our YW go horseback riding each summer and it was great! I was so impressed at how our girls did. They all jumped right on these horses and acted like naturals. Way to go girls!
Brianne, Kylie, Amy, Ericka, and Kylie

So, I have to be honest. I really am not a horse person. The last time I rode a horse it tried to buck me off. Since that point I have not been a big fan so I really wasn't planing on riding a horse. But my girls are very encouraging and after watching this cute horse, I decided to give it a whirl. Harley was a great horse who is gentle and mild. Thanks Harley for giving me some faith in horses again!


Heidi said...

wow how fun! you've documented this event very well. I already miss being in the young womens. I love your new template very cute and patriotic.

Aubrey Doyle said...

Great pictures! I am glad that you had a good experience with Youth Conference! I loved horseback riding with the girls and can't wait for Girl's Camp! Yahoo!

Unknown said...

Cary, you look STUNNING. When will I get to have so much fun. You are such a lucky lady.