Wednesday, July 9, 2008

OH, the joys of tag... here we go!

3 Joys....
1. The Gospel - and all the wonderful promises and blessings assoicated with it!
2. Keven and Hannah
3. A ride in the mountains

3 Fears....
1. Keven or Hannah dying - it makes me shiver just thinking about it!
2. That certain health problems will take my life at an early age.
I don't want this to sound the wrong way but I don't necessarily fear for me but for those I would leave behind.
3. I must admit that the state of our government makes me nervous.

3 Current goals....
1. Finishing The Biography of Gordan B. Hinckley. (10 pages away!!)
I started reading this a few months ago and it has taken me way longer than I thought. But it is great! I totally recommend it!
2. I am trying to work on a music project that Keven has been encouraging me to do for the past year. Sorry to sound so discreet but for some reason I just get embarassed talking about it.
3. To do my best to make Girls Camp an impacting event for the Young Women.

3 Current Obessions....
1. Food Storage.
Crazy, but true. I literally I have planning and scamming about this for the past month. We have been working on our food storage for the past year but for some reason I have been finding myself thinking about it all the time - what I should get this week at the store, how much more water we need, etc. Random, I know.
2. More Gospel Knowledge.
I realized a few months ago that there are many things about the gospel that I don't feel I know well enough so I have made it a priority to change that. Keven has been a great assistance - I tell ya that kid is so blasted smart!
3. Hiking!
I have always loved it hike! My favorite hikes included Mary, Martha, and Catherine, Secret Lake, and the lovely A&B Hike that included 7 peaks and 12 miles! Since I had Hannah I have not done much hiking and I have sorely missed it. So I have tried to get out once a week to take a hiking adventure.
Yesterday was great! I did my first hike with Hannah in the baby hiking pack. Thanks to the Brighton staff and campers who let us tag along, Aunt Lydia/Strings who helped steady me over the snowy regions, and yahoo for Hannah who was a trooper! We went to Mary, Martha, and Catherine and 5 miles later we were still doing great!

3 Random facts about me....
1. Most people do not notice but my left arm does not straighten all the way. I broke my elbow several years ago and was never able to gain all the motion back.
2. I am a full on neat freak.
3. I don't like competition. Friendly banter and games are all good, but any other sort is not my thing.

And now I tag ANYONE would might like to participate! I would love to hear from all of you who regularly check things here!!


Amy said...

Can I just tell you that reading about how you hiked to Mary, Martha, Catherine about made me cry! Oh I miss Brighton! It's like this ache deep down inside of me that won't go away! So glad you were able to go!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, we have so many things in common. Loved learning so many new things too.

Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

You are great. I feel like I know you so much better! I am excited for Girl's Camp, I know that you will make it such a great experience for all of us.

Nicky Yamamoto said...

HI Cute Bushy!
Hey I am so glad that you got out and Hannah did great in the hiking backpack! I miss those mountains and trails. When I get back we are for sure going to have to climb some together.
Much love to you!

Anonymous said...

I miss you CaryAnn. You are great and I'm so happy you got out hiking with Hannah. Steve and I have a new goal "A peak a week"!

Martin Family said...

Cary... WE SHOULD TALK! I recently have become obsessed with food storage as well!! We should talk soon anyway! And Can I just tell you... I need you to teach me to be a neat freak, because in my mind I am a neat freak... but I can't get my place neat.... it's really a contradiction!

Angie said...

Carebear! I just found your blog on accident! How in the world are you?

M said...

Hey, Carebear - whaddaya know? Your favorite hikes are some of MY favorite hikes too!

You have a beautiful family! Looks like everything is going well for you. I'm so glad!
- Kindle

Meg said...

CB - Please tell me that wasn't you. If it was... I'm sorry.

Holly Harris Murray said...

I don't really have anything to comment about, but I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and think you are awesome! Have a great rest of the summer and maybe when I come home in September we can get togetha again!

Kierstie said...

hey ya i love the vikings and the colts. and i have great memories with you and kevin and little hannah.
love ya you guys are great.