Thursday, November 15, 2007


Okay, I am finally doing it. I have been tagged by two different people and have not followed through....(sorry Char and Jess).....but my cute pal Paris has inspired me to do so. So here it goes!

What was I doing 10 years ago: Well, I was 15 years old and a sophmore in high school. At this time I was coming out of my "dressing like a soccer player" stage. Seriously, I used to wear soccer shorts, t-shirts, and my hair in a tight bun every day! Wow, glad that stage has passed!! I think it was the fact that my friends and I started hanging around with lots of boys that made me change my dressing habits, even though I was never really into boys. I preferred being "the good friend". I also remember that at this time I had an incredible seminary teacher who taught me so much! Thanks Brother Fillmore!!

What was I doing 5 years ago: I was living with some friends in the "Party House". Oh, good times! I was going to school and applying for the nursing program. I was serving on the InterChapter Council for Lambda Delta Sigma. I also had just broken up with the first boy I really dated, Michael Cook.

What was I doing 1 year ago: Keven and I had just moved into the home we are living in now. Wow, we sure love it here! Go Sandy!! I was working for the Transplant Team at LDS Hospital. I was also about 5 months pregnant with Hannah.

What was I doing yesterday: Yesterday was a pretty average day. Hannah and I did our same routine of eating, playing, and napping. We went on a walk and passed out flyers for our little book group. Last night we went on a fun adventure to Provo and had dinner/chat time with some Brighton friends. Hannah really enjoyed playing with Marion. We also got to visit Aunt Jamie and Cousin Maleia!

5 Snacks I enjoy: Chips and Salsa, granola bars, fruit, cookies, and muffins

5 Things I would do if I had $100 million: Pay tithing, buy a house, buy a cabin, help family members, and save/invest the rest.

5 Places I would run away to: Honestly, I could run away with Keven and Hannah to just about any place and enjoy myself! But..... I would love to go to a cabin - somewhere quiet where I could enjoy the beautiful scenary and ponder. I would love to go to Hawaii - never been, but hopefully one day! I would also love to run to a spa and get a long massage! I would love to go to Prince Edward Island!! I am an Anne of Green Gables fan and have always wanted to see the landscape there. Finally, I would love to run to Brighton. A part of my heart will always belong there.

5 TV shows I like: Ya know, I have to be honest - I am really not a big tv watcher so there aren't many shows I like. The one big show I LOVE to watch is 24!!! Also, I must admit that if I get the chance I like to watch Little House on the Prairie. Silly, but true.

5 Things I hate doing: Having flour on my hands ( It makes me cringe!!), listening to someone sniff the snot in their nose ( this is my biggest pet peeve), hearing Hannah cry, finding out that someone has died, and cleaning the litter box.

5 Biggest joys of the moment: Having such a wonderful husband. Keven is and always has been everything that I need - I am so lucky and blessed. Having my beautiful Hannah. Being able to stay home with her. Teaching in Primary - this has been a very humbling experience for me. And my good friends, especially the new ones we have met in our neighborhood.

Now I am supposed to tag at least 5 people -- Kim, Ritz, Becca, Jamie, Amanda, Whitney, Heather, Holly, Theirry, and anyone else who would love to participate!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Such a Big Girl!!!

It has come to my attention that my sweet baby is turning into such a big girl!! I am so happy for her growth and development, she is so happy and I love it!
Let me give you some of the ways my sweet baby is turning into big girl!

#1 - Hannah can crawl. Yes, it is offical. I must admit that she would rather have us help her walk and doesn't like to crawl a ton. But when she wants something, she knows how to get it!

#2 - Hannah LOVES to pull herself up! She does it all over -- in the bathtub, her room, and onto her playing table. Here is a picture I got of her doing it.

#3 - Hannah has offically had her crib lowered down. I must admit that moving her crib down was when I realized how big my sweet baby was getting. She really is no longer a little baby.

#4 - Hannah is now just eating three meals a day, like the big kids!!

#5 - Hannah is starting to feed herself. She has mastered eating little bits of bread. We love watching her do this! At first she would try so hard to get a little piece into her hand and then work so hard to actually get it into her mouth! Now she grabs a bunch of bits and can get them into her mouth quite easily. This next week we are starting little bits of vegetables!

#6 - Hannah loves to say Da Da and Ma Ma all the time! Yesterday we were in church and she kept on yelling them as loud as she could! We felt so proud to think our daughter was so excited about us!!!

#7 - Hannah's baby carseat is too small. Her little chubby legs and feet rest over the edge. Luckily I think Santa might be bringing her a new one!

#8 - Hannah is down to two naps a day.

#9 - And last but not least, Hannah is a big girl because she wore pigtails in her hair for the first time yesterday. I couldn't believe how old it made her look! ( And I must admit part of me felt a little sad!) I didn't get a picture of them because Keven and I had to hold her down to get them in her hair and then had to run to church. By the time church was over, so were the pigtails!

Thanks for listening to the ramblings of a proud mother. If you can't tell, WE LOVE OUR HANNAH!

Daddy and Me

Well, for all of those people who don't know, Keven coaches a middle school
cheer squad. Go Centennial!!! They had a cheer competition
this weekend and did great! The squad made Hannah an honorary cheer leader and even gave her an outfit to wear! This is Hannah and Daddy, dressed up in their cheer gear!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hannah's first Halloween was great!!!! She looked SO cute dressed up in her costume with her little black nose! We wanted her to be a bear because lately she has really been into growling, but the only thing we could find close to a bear was Winnie the Pooh!

We took Hannah around to visit our parents at work and everyone tried to give her lots of candy. We kindly thanked them and said she wasn't able to have it. People seemed a little bothered by this until we explained that she was only 7 months old. Everyone thought she was much older than that!

This is the Sorenson family. They live down the street and have become very good friends of ours. They have two little boys, one just a few weeks older than Hannah. They stopped in to enjoy Halloween with us. Keven made homemade rootbeer to pass out to the neighborhood families that came to our house. We also took Hannah to visit a few of our elderly neighbors.